Now through December 31st (while supplies last)

I just love it when getting healthy has some pretty intense side effects…​

For me, it’s a no-brainer that if I can dedicate 5 days of the month doing a water fasting-mimicking diet that adds years to my life, decreases my inflammation, and triggers cellular rejuvenation while having the side effects of losing weight, re-defining my relationship to food, stomping out those pesky sugar cravings, giving my digestion a break and freeing up my brainpower and my time for creative projects then….. I’m absolutely in!!!

And then, of course, there’s Bikini Season on the horizon….​

Now don’t get me wrong, I believe every single amazing human body is beautiful in a bikini, in a one-piece swimming suit, and of course in your birthday suit! So this is not about body shaming but it is about checking in with yourself and making sure you feel comfortable and like what you see when you look in the mirror.

For those of you that don’t like what you see or feel especially after this crazy year where most humans have binge-watched a little too much Netflix or indulged in too many comfort foods, I invite you to get on board and give yourself the gift of this 5 day cleanse!

For those of you already happy with what you see in the mirror and plan on rocking it at the beach this year I STILL invite you to get on board and give yourself the gift of this 5 day cleanse. You see, just because you don’t have weight to lose doesn’t mean you don’t have cellular debris to clean out and cellular rejuvenation waiting to take place. Trust me – You Do!!! Some of my unhealthiest patients throughout the years looked fine on the outside but their internal terrain most certainly needed some love and attention.

So here’s my plan for getting bikini ready this year because I definitely desire to lose 10 pounds!

Let’s Learn a bit about the Health Benefits of Fasting for Optimal Weight & Increased Cellular Energy

Fasting was a part of the human diet for thousands of years. In recent decades, humans optimized the food supply chain and started eating multiple times a day. We began consuming more than the body was used to, adding weight and developing life-style related diseases. Visiting the convenient fridge in the kitchen way too often. Eating too close to bedtime. Eating way too much for what our stomachs are actually able to hold.

While current medical practice is largely focused on the results of unhealthy living, you know around here I focus on prevention and root cause medicine and inducing autophagy (cellular debris clean up) by water fasting-mimicking is something that prevents and addresses root causes of dis-ease.

If you have or are concerned about prevention for any of the following then this is for you!

A prolonged 4-7 day fast provides health benefits by stressing the body enough to go beyond fat burning associated with reduced calorie intake to cellular regeneration and rejuvenation. These benefits can be achieved with the 5-Day Fasting-Mimicking Diet developed by researchers at the University of Southern California.​

The Fasting Mimicking Diet™ is made from specific healthy plant-based ingredients that someone eats for five days while their body is not recognizing that it is eating. This causes the body to stay in a fasting mode.​

I am getting ready for my own fast this Monday, May 3rd and you can follow me on my Facebook page to learn the do’s and don’ts while on the 5-day program, here. I know by the time you get this you won’t have time to join me but you can watch what I have to say and then use my guidance for the week you choose to do it. OR you can mentally prepare and join me the week of June 7th where I will do another 5 day fast.

And OMG I forgot to mention there is chocolate!!!! Yes, there is chocolate every day during this cleanse.

My goal is always to educate and inspire real change in your life!

If you want to get started with your own Water Mimicking Fast please give Samantha a call at (520) 308-5040 or email her at [email protected]